Déjà Vu
The JHS 50 Year Class Reunion

September 19, 2015 was the Jonesboro High School 50-year class reunion, and memories rushed like waves of the West Pacific. In one accord we looked back to 1965, and forward to what are you doing these days, where do you live? We often had to squint at the necessary name tags. Without dignitaries and a lot of fanfare, it was a fine celebration. Being vested, our own history was the interesting story.

Boomers they call us, because after World War II with the reuniting of husbands and wives the natural happened. And boom, here we are. Though not official, we made other loud booms; plowing new paths, some were commendable, some condemnable. Technology was an infant. Motorola’s mobile phones weighed four plus pounds. Born were NASA, Hippies, a walk on the Moon, Silicon Valley, and the immortal phrase: Houston we have a problem.

Babies no more, but we did act like a bunch of teenagers last night, and enjoyed every minute of it. The venue was secluded at The Dolce Resort in Peachtree City with a flock of Cardinals, half being Georgia Peaches, the other half gentlemen 0f sorts. Flashbacks peaked and ebbed, even meditation to absorb the lifestyle that was ours during the 60’s. The population of Atlanta was about a million then versus nearly six million now. Our graduating class was approximately 260, with some of us not having the foggiest idea what we learned, except for a social education. Stick Ray put on a show (involving frogs as I recall); sometimes fifty cents, sometimes free. But there were serious students. Billy was always level headed, and made good choices. Still does. Please remember to pray for Will and many others mentioned last night.

It was good to see Donna who forever etched the impression of that new Mustang; new to the USA and JHS. (Did we hear Mustang Sally?) I think it was yellow, and stood out like a city upon a hill. See, we remember the important things!

We talked of Vietnam with its sober implications. Remarkably it is still under debate and Agent Orange continues doing its’ damage. Don’t we all remember that awful afternoon when, at school, we received the news that President Kennedy had been assassinated?

The most moving portion of the evening was the picture display of Cardinal Flight, a euphemism for our classmates who have died. That just brings a big lump in my throat. See, we were the cool 60’s guys and gals, and we don’t cry, we don’t die. But some did. Coldly its’ reality congealed and we admit that it is appointed unto man once to die. To think of David-Sheila-Eddie-Joe and the others makes the eyes mist over. We miss you guys. Dare we say: We love you?

The Vibrations were looking good in their bright white shirts, black pants, and Cardinal red vests. The classic Rock and Roll band of the 60’s revived after all these years, and revved us with good vibrations. We Jitterbugged, slow danced, even tried The Electric Slide and a few other new ones, because for a few hours we were young again. Someone asked the next day: Can you walk? No, but it was worth it. Well, we were up til 10:30.

Our group has scattered from Clayton County to California, Canton, Carrollton, Virginia. Some made it to beaches and lakes, and who knows where else. A 122 travelled back to be updated on the whereabouts and whatabouts of our alumni.

Fellowship with friends was by far the highlight. Old stories were told, slightly embellished, mostly truthful. Shutters snapped frequently. At the very least we recaptured some morsels of the 60’s: of Butch’s, Highway 85 Drive-In, the Beatles, Elvis, and James Brown. Tommy & I did a somewhat unrecognizable split on I Feel Good. Don’t worry, we’re ok. Do you remember the time, and What happened with? … led conversations. Young love, first love, filled with deep emotion was on our mind.

It is amazing that we survived some of the foolishness of those nights. Amazing Grace. Now mature with spectacles we realize what really matters: faith, family, friends, food, and fun. Yes, we still can make a mess, but it is at least mitigated. With adjusted attitudes and transformed hearts we can now easily say I’m sorry, when in the past we never made mistakes. Hummmm?

Nicknames flourished. Strangely, I had almost forgotten my mine, and I rather like it. Sounds young and nowadays I buy anything young, excluding Leisure suits. I wonder how many guys still own a pair of Weejuns?

All dressed up for the Gala, though under it all we learned of bypasses, strokes, bad knees and hips, cancer, aches and pains. But that was temporarily displaced when the grand subject came up: grandchildren. Aren’t they great! They should be called greatchildren. Ahhh the sweet sound: Grandma (Nana, or the like), Granddaddy (Paw Paw, etc.). Makes you proud. It is said that the joy of being a grandparent is one of the few things in life that is understated. Amen.

A million thanks to all those who put together the JHS 50th year reunion. We know you worked long and hard to bring this wonderful event to us, and here are 122 hoorays. You’re the best.

We hugged, laughed, danced, ate well. Last night was happy time. Duck type: happy-happy-happy. To catch up, to hear about the good, with a bit of sad mixed in. It was great to be together again. We are glad that in some ways we have wised-up. And mostly, glad we are learning what’s really important.

Perhaps Lee Ann Womack put it best: I hope you dance.

And Roy Rogers: Til we meet again.

Déjà vu my friends … Howie

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