June 22, 2010

Callaway has moved our reunion dinner from the Sweetbay room to the Dogwood room for Saturday evening. We still have the Poplar room to gather as you arrive at Callaway.

The cash bar can be handled several ways during our reunion evening. You can run a tab and then pay with credit card at the end of the evening, or add the charges to your room if you are staying at Callaway, or you can just pay cash. Callaway also has an ATM in their lobby.

Look forward to seeing everyone this weekend.


p.s. Sammy Bishop has informed us that Wayne Gray passed away on June 18th. Wayne was a good friend to many of us throughout our years at JSHS. He will be missed.

June 17, 2010

Hi Folks,

The reunion is only 9 days away and we hope everyone is looking forward to having a very relaxed and enjoyable weekend at Callaway Gardens. We have listed below a few details for the weekend.

1) We have the Poplar room available to us for the entire weekend starting on Friday for each of you to sign in as you arrive at Callaway. After registering for your room (if you are staying there) please come by the Poplar room and sign in. We should have the sign in sheets available by 6:00 pm on Friday evening.

2) The dress attire is casual so plan accordingly.

3) They will have a cash bar set up Saturday evening during our event so make sure you bring enough cash with you. They will not allow you to bring in your own beverages during the reunion event.

4) The reunion will be held in the Sweetbay ballroom and please plan to be there by 6:00 pm on Saturday so we can do group photos before dinner.

5) We will not have an official photographer available so make sure that you bring your own cameras with you.

6) Golfers please meet at the Poplar room on Saturday morning at 9:00 am. We will be playing the Lakeside course with tee times starting at 10:00 am. Golf fees are $65.00 at the course.

7) The reunion is being held at Callaway's Mountain Creek Inn, Pine Mountain, GA. http://www.callawaygardens.com/ is their website. Check out everything that is happening at Callaway during your stay. Phone #: 1-800-CALLAWAY.

8) If you are staying at the Mountain Creek Inn you will receive free admission to the Gardens during your stay.

Hopefully we have covered most everything but if not, please shoot us an email and we'll try to answer any questions you may have. Everyone have a safe trip into Callaway and we look forward to seeing each of you again. Great ready for a relaxing, fun filled weekend!

The Reunion Committee

June 1, 2010

Hi Everybody!

The reunion is set and it looks like we will have a great turnout for the 45th. Callaway was gracious enough to give us a gathering spot starting Friday, June 25th to meet and pre-register for the weekend. Our spot is the Poplar room, at the Mountain Creek Inn where we will be hosting the reunion. As you arrive and after you check into your room, please come by the Poplar room and see who's arrived already and pre-register for Saturday evening's dinner and dance. We are sure many of you will make contact with some of the others and make a day of visiting the Gardens, beach and everything else there.

Our Saturday evening event will be held in the Sweetbay ballroom with cocktails and dinner beginning at 7:15 pm. We will have a cash bar set up so please remember to bring some cash with you for the evening. If you attended our last reunion and received a button with your name and picture on it, please bring that with you also, if you can find it! We do not have a photographer, so make sure to bring your camera and we will try to get all of the classmates together for a round of photos during the evening.

Saturday morning golfers, let's meet at the Poplar room at 9:00 am to team up and tell each other how terrible we have been playing lately, in hopes of procuring a few extra strokes. No way, not going to happen, so you better start practicing now!

There are several local places to eat in and around Pine Mountain, and of course the Mountain Creek Inn has their fabulous buffets for breakfast and dinner. There are also several restaurants located on the many golf courses at Callaway.

If you have any questions please shoot us an email. Get ready to have a great weekend at Callaway Gardens.

The Reunion Committee

April 29, 2010

We have a good turnout for our 45th and I know everyone will enjoy having the time to visit with each other during the afternoon and evening at Callaway. We will be making final arrangement in about two weeks, so for you procrastinators that have not yet sent in your registration forms, you still have time to join us for great weekend event. In case you have deleted the form, I have attached it again.

Reunion registration   .doc file      .pdf file

We know that some of you are waiting for the great 50th celebration in five years, however, that's a long time away and you may too old and senile to drive by then! But hey, that's what grandkids are for, right?

You still have until May 15th to send in the form, so get out of that rocking chair, turn on some music, loosen up those aching joints and practice a little strolling and twisting! It's going to be a blast!

Times, gathering places and such will be finalized and sent to you in a couple of weeks.

The Reunion Committee

March 30, 2010

Great News!

Callaway Gardens has extended the date for making room reservations until May 15th, plus they have given us until that date to lock down our dinner requirements. Because of this situation, all of you that are still contemplating attending the reunion have until May 15th to send in your registration forms.

Also, we have made tee times at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 26th, on the Lakeview Course for the golfers that have indicated they want to play. Please meet at the Lakeview Course by 9:30 am so we can put together the teams. If you want to play but have not previously indicated such, please drop me an email and I will make sure you are added.

The weather's warming up now and by June 26th we will be ready have fun in the sun.

See you then,

Reunion Committee


March 24, 2010

Hey out there!

Forty five years ago this week we were getting ready for the prom, or thinking about what we were going to do during spring break, IF we had any money to do anything. The guys were already getting concerned about being drafted and going to a place no one really knew anything about, Vietnam. College for some was a given, while many others did not have the money to attend. Weddings were already being planned for some. It was a very unsettling time for most of us but we persevered. Many of us sat in the library daydreaming about graduation and wondering what the future held for us.

Well, that future is now mostly in the past, but guess what, we made it! Through think and thin, we've survived all of the trials and tribulations that this old world could throw at us. As we travel on our life's journey it is so special to be able to get together will old friends, some going all the way back to the first grade. We've all changed in many ways. Most of us don't look anything like we did back then, but hey, we are all in the same boat! Okay, enough of the reflections.

The registrations forms are still coming in but if you have not sent yours yet, please take a few moments to do so in the next couple of days. We have blocked off rooms for our classmates and any remaining rooms will have to be released back to Callaway on April 1st. If you are coming to the reunion and have not reserved a room, please call their toll free number before April 1st to assure that you will get our $99.00 per night special.

On April 1st we must start give Callaway our head count for the dinner and such, and we must start making arrangements for all of the other things that are involved in planning the reunion. Because of this situation we really need for you to send in your forms in the next few days, or at least shoot me an email to let me know that you will be coming so we can count you in.

That's it. Let us hear from you!


Oh, one last thing. During this week, 45 years ago, I remember setting in Mrs. Smith's library with Wilcox and spinning our brand new senior class rings on the table. What do you remember from 45 years ago this week?

March 10, 2010

Hi Folks,

We are getting close to our deadline for guaranteeing some of the requirements for holding the reunion at Callaway Gardens. If you plan on attending, but have not sent in your registration form yet, please reply to this email so we can get a better head count for who will be attending. In the reply please indicate how many will be attending.

In case you lost the registration form, I have attached it again to this email. We have been given an extension to April 1st for guarantees, so that gives us a couple of additional weeks to gather all of the registration forms. Also, if you are planning to staying at the resort, please make your reservations before April 1st. We have blocked off rooms for Friday and Saturday night but we must release those rooms that have not been taken by April 1st. Make sure you tell them you are part of the Jonesboro High School reunion.

It's shaping up to be a great reunion and with the likes of: Sam & Dave, Otis Redding, Ruby and the Romantics, Little Wille John, Hot Chocolate, Marvin Gaye, The Isley Brothers, James Brown, The Beatles, Aretha, Elvis and hundreds more to entertain you, how in the world could you pass up a night like that!

We look forward to seeing everyone this summer!

The Reunion Committee


February 23, 2010

Hi Gang,

We held our second reunion committee meeting this past weekend and things are starting to shape up. In our meeting we realized that we have roughly one-half of our classmates email addresses. The next phase will be mailing out the registration form to the ones without known email addresses. Not only is that very time consuming but also expensive to do so, we are asking each of you to review the attached list of classmates without known email addresses and do one or two things for us, if you don't mind.

If you have an email address for any of the classmates listed, please forward the attached registration form to them for us, then please contact us so we will know the form has been sent to the classmate so we will not have to mail a copy to them. Second, if you can contact the classmate and ask if we can have their email address for future notices and they agree, please send us that person's email address for our records. This would be a great help to us now and in the future. We will be doing the mailings this coming weekend so if you can make contact with any of the attached, please do so in the next couple of days and get back to us by Friday. We really appreciate your help in getting the word out on the reunion.

We've already started receiving registration forms from several of you so please take the time and send yours in as soon as possible so we can get a good head count. Also please call the toll free Callaway number 1-800-CALLAWAY and reserve your room as soon as you can because summer is their busiest time and they book up quickly. Once you call, go to the group registration desk and make sure they know you are reserving for the Jonesboro High School, Class of 65 reunion. No room payments are required until you check in at reunion time, however they do require a credit card number to reserve the room.

Okay, we've got the ball rolling and with your help we know this will be the very best reunion, ever!

Thanks for your help,

The Reunion Committee

no-email list


February 12, 2010

Hello Everybody!!!

Attached is the registration form for our 45th Class Reunion. Please fill out the form and mail your check and form to my attention by no later than March 15th.

The reunion dinner and dance will be held on Saturday, June 26th. I am sure many of you will be arriving on Friday night to have a long weekend at Callaway Gardens. All of the details are on the registration form. We will try to have a gathering spot during the day on Saturday for everyone that came in on Friday night and for those coming in on Saturday to meet and spend some time together before the evening's event.

Your room rate includes admission to the Gardens. You will need to reserve your room by April 1st to ensure the special rate. As most of you are aware, Callaway has many things to do over the weekend. Golf, Tennis, Fishing, Boating, The Beach, their fabulous SPA, and of course visiting the Gardens, with all it has to offer. As with our last reunion, if anyone is interested in playing golf on Saturday or Sunday, please drop me an email and I will see if we can arrange a little tournament during our stay. Let me know which day would be best for you.

Ladies, Callaway's Spa is really special. Go online at callawaygardens.com and check it out!

We've planned a great reunion evening on the 26th but if you are like us, you'll have even more fun visiting during the days with everyone. The main thing to remember is we must have your payment and form by no later than March 15th, because we must make a deposit payment by the March 20th. If we fail to make the deposit, the reunion could be cancelled at Callaway. Please reply to this email asap to let us know if you plan on attending the reunion at Callaway. This will help us get a better feel as to how many will be attending so we can make immediate adjustments if necessary to our contract with Callaway.

Okay, we've started planning the reunion and we will be sending more information as we receive. Get ready for the best reunion yet! Let us hear from you.

The Reunion Committee

Reunion registration   .doc file      .pdf file


Jan. 28, 2010

Reunion group's second meeting

Hello everyone,

We held our second reunion group meeting this month and have narrowed the locations down to two. The first is the Renaissance-Atlanta Airport located on Virginia Ave. The second is Callaway Gardens located about one hour south of the Atlanta Airport. We looked at several other locations that some of you sent in, however for varying reasons they did not meet our requirements or were just too expensive.

To cover food, entertainment, mailings, and other incidental expenses associated with setting up the reunion, the cost per person will range from $65.00 to $75.00, regardless of which location we select. Room rates for those spending the night start at $119.00 per night and up at the Renaissance and they have a parking fee of $4.00 for the event that evening or $10.00 for the weekend. Callaway's rates are $99.00/night which also includes a pass into the gardens. Callaway's Mountain Creek Inn would be the location. Callaway also has their beach, golf and tennis available for those interested. Should the selection be Callaway, we could possibly set up a golf tournament like our last reunion, if anyone is interested.

Now it is your turn to select the location. Please reply to this email ASAP and give us your selection. Dates are booking up fast at both locations and we need everyone's reply now so we can get something locked down during an acceptable time this summer.

Let us hear from you!!!!


Oct. 17, 2009

Hi Everyone!

The reunion committee has planned a mid-October meeting to begin our search for a location in 2010. If you know of a suitable location that will hold 125-150 folks and is near or at a hotel, please send us your suggestions. Also, what type of reunion would you prefer, an evening event like 2005 or an all day gathering-picnic type? Also a weekend affair at some place like Callaway Gardens, or something similar, could possibly be arranged. Send us your suggestions and we will begin researching those possibilities.

As time goes by we continue to lose some of our classmates. The last one we know of, Mark Clotfelter, passed away in Sept of 2008. If you are aware of any others that may have passed away since that time, please let us know.

We have several classmates that we could not obtain email addresses during our research in 2005. I will send that list to you in another email in the coming days in case you know their current address and can forward to us.

I hope everyone is doing well. Now, get ready for next summer's 45th class reunion. Did I say 45th? Boy, you folks are really getting old!! Do you still know how to dance??????????

Let us hear from you,



If you know how to contact any of the below, please obtain their current email address and forward to us for updating our list of classmates.

Sherry Smarr Smallwood
Jeroy Fruitticher
Ernie Hanes
Bobby Brooke
Pamela Petsch Daniell
Mary Ann Bauer Thompson
Billy Brackin
Stephen Staples
Joan Hilverink
Steve Binger